The Digitalization Program for the Social Care Sector (ESMS) is a tremendous growth opportunity for the Social Care Business Line through our Imago DU and Imago Senior solutions.
Search results
Evolucare and the french Ségur Healthcare Project in 2025
Evolucare and Ségur de la Santé: a partnership serving hospitals and patients A leader in digital healthcare solutions, Evolucare supports more than 3,500 establishments, the majority of which are affiliated to FEHAP, one of the largest federations of French...
Deployment of Imago DU at EPNAK
DU Découvrir IMAGO DU A success for digital social care: the deployment of Imago DU at EPNAK EPNAK (Etablissement Public National Antoine Koenigswarter) is a flagship institution dedicated to welcoming and supporting people with disabilities. With a presence...
Evolucare wins one of the 1st project of the french Digitalization Program for Social Care with Imago DU
Evolucare, jointly with various French social care associations, namely ADAPEI 16, FCOL, EIRC, ADIMC and APEC Charente, is glad to announce that its application in the framework of the french Digitalization Program for Social Care (ESMS Numérique) has been successful...
Imago SENIOR – New
Imago Senior The Resident Record for Nursing Homes Customizable and ergonomic SRThe electronic resident record that accompanies your teams throughout the care journey Imago Senior was specifically co-constructed and developed with Nursing Homes, Assisted Living...
Gamme GESSI – New
Gessi Management Information System for social care facilities EVOLUCARE designed Gessi for all social care institutions. For your management teams, it natively integrates all specificities of social care facilities. The Gessi suite of modules adds a structuring...
Imago RH – New
Imago RH Human Resources & Schedulingfor social care institutions Efficiency requires management and organization RHThe employee's comprehensive record EVOLUCARE designed Imago RH for your Human Resources management teams. Imago RH structures all career data...
Médico-social : Nouvel accueil global 2021
Social Care Software Software range for social care facilities Solutions for Disability, Children, Social Services, and Elderly CareImago DU CARING MEANS STANDING BY THE PERSON Improve support and follow-up of the personalized project of the people you are taking care...
Medico-social IT IMAGO DU, ergonomic user file: in 2020, thirty new associations equipped!
AXAPA joined the EVOLUCARE Group at the beginning of 2019, and has been an integral part of the Group since November 2020. IMAGO DU (User Record) is the flagship of the company. As the collaborative platform for multidisciplinary teams, IMAGO-DU is the solution for...