
Evolucare WebHospital is a solution to your needs:
- It adapts to all types of institution
- Modular, it supports any care pathway you may manage
- Comprehensive, it ensures continuity of patient-centric care
- Modern, it is mobile and ergonomic
A high value-added paperless solution:
- Full digitization of the patient pathway including in a multi-site setting and home care
- Digitization of all functions: medical, nursing, administrative including logistics
The solution for all types of healthcare structures
- Public
- Private
- Not-for-profit
- Ambulatory
- Hospitalization
- Consultation

A modular system and patient record consolidating data from all the patient’s care.

A modular system and patient record consolidating data from all the patient’s care.

The solution to ensure you a successful computerization project
- Local or cloud deployment
- Reduced infrastructure costs
A natively integrated solution
- Simplified communication between the different modules
- A single point of contact for your entire project
A modular solution that meets your most specific needs
- Customizable solution
A simplified deployment project
- Easy to deploy
- Low maintenance
- Easy to use
The solution that covers all your hospital staff’s needs
Click on the desired sector to discover the functionalities in detail

- Identity server
- Administrative patient management
- Identity flow management
- Billing Management of data flows to accounting
- Operating rooms
- Anesthesia, continuous care, intensive care
- Emergency services
- Imaging services
- Sterilization
- Bed management
- Stretcher management
- Shift management
- Online appt. and calendar
- Medical record
- Treatment record
- Paramedical record
- Drug management (prescription, administration)
- Maternity and gynecology
- Home care
- Dialysis
- Inventory
- Pharmacy
- Meals
- Cleaning
- Adverse events
- Human resources
- Equipment maintenance (CMMS)
Our flexible solution allows you to pick and choose the most adpated modules according to your needs and in order to monitor efficiently your patients along their care pathway.
High added-value modules designed for users productivity
Some examples…

Analytics Module
Efficient steering of your activity
- Ergonomic and intuitive use, without need for IT skills
- Generation of statistics, performance indicators and dashboards
- Access to dedicated catalogue reports
- Access to your data: query, extract, analyze, present them according to your needs
- Cross-reference your data by integrating your various data sources

WebEmergency Module
- Dashboard presenting patients wait time
- Box and room management
- Visual management of wounds
- Mutli-mode prescription
- ED record
- Significant reduction of patients wait time

WebStretcher Module
- Management of stretchering requests
- Management of stretcher availability
- Planned or immediate transportation request (including geolocalization)
- Simple and ergonomic use thanks to tablets
- Real time monitoring of request status
- Quick overview of failed requests
- Significant reduction of patients wait time